Drum Beat

Join our Proposal Evaluation Committee

Join our Proposal Evaluation Committee

For this year's Request for Proposals on ‘Culture and Heritage’, we are again asking Community Members to participate in a member-based Evaluation Committee. We envision that the Evaluation Committee will contain youth through elders, and it will be a team of 4 to 6...

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Award of our First RFP to Jennifer David

Award of our First RFP to Jennifer David

We have an exciting update for the CCFN Community! Last November, we launched our first RFP where we called for proposals to document “Our Treaty Land Entitlement Journey”, from CCFN’s first signing of Treaty 9 to the establishment of the Fox Lake reserve, our TLE...

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The New Trust Identity and Our 1st Project

The New Trust Identity and Our 1st Project

Welcome to the newly launched website for the Chapleau Cree First Nation Community Trust. As you likely know, and as you can see elsewhere on the site, the Trust has an underlying responsibility to support our community through what are called the ‘purposes of the...

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